wight1984 Nov 13, 2006 00:44
club: slimelight, topic: sex and sexuality, activity: gaming, topic: feminism and gender activism, content: games, content: humour, topic: politics, game: necromunda, location: london, content: links, society: gamesoc, topic: sex and gender, topic: friends, topic: life, activity: clubbing, content: thoughts, topic: crime and law, topic: philosophy, person: domina, topic: university: coursework, topic: race and ethnicity, activity: geeking
wight1984 Oct 20, 2006 23:21
topic: jobs and employment, topic: feminism and gender activism, content: thoughts, fashion: general, topic: liberty and liberalism, topic: crime and law, topic: hypocrisy, topic: politics, topic: ethics and morality, topic: sex and gender, topic: religion and theology, content: articles
wight1984 Oct 02, 2006 04:12
topic: sex and sexuality, topic: university, topic: computers, content: meme, content: thoughts, topic: art: television and film media, topic: crime and law, content: quiz, content: links, topic: poverty, person: fraggle, topic: art: literature, activity: geeking